Intel Home Server CPU

You're all aware (I hope) of my stack of servers under the desk, however, the main server I use is actually a re-purposed desktop - it's the G33 chipset Socket 775 to Socket 771 running a Xeon E5420...

And I have my plan forming to re-case my main workstation, however, I wondered... As I'm currently very exposed with data not replicated across drives on my little server and the machine being quite high power, whether I might not do better in the short term of recasing both... AND changing the server to an always on box.

This way, I could build a machine around a dedicated new board and chip... I started out with the AMD APU's the 2580 and some others, up to a quad core, and as fabulous as they look on cost they didn't float my boat.

I don't need a lot of number crunching power on the server, so what was my concern?  Well, I'm an Intel guy... Always have been, and think I always will be.  Obviously I started with MOS processors, then moved into the world of Motorolla, but since 1994 I've steadfastly bought and used Intel.

Why? Well, I remember the original AMD offerings, they were copies, and hard to find in the UK market without knocking the quality of other items in your build, so I stuck with off the shelf Intels.

I then build my own Pentium II and III computers, I also found use for Celerons - I've never had anything against them - I had a Pentium IV Prescott when they were literally brand new, then I've had the Core i7 950, plus all the Xeon servers and modding fun.

At work I've always been supplied Intel too...

What options does the market offer in the Intel world?.... Well I spotted the dual core, dual thread Celeron G9300.... Which looks just the ticket for me, it's pretty low power (53W compared to the Xeon E5420 at 80W), it can address more RAM, so giving me expansion options and it had decent reviews.  The trick is to not expect a lot from it, and to actually put it to a good use.  If that use is as an SSH point into my network, a git server, NFS host and squid box, then that might work quite well.

I've therefore drafted a build, you can see it here.... 

If nothing else that case, might be a perfect buy, to get the ball rolling, and guess what!... Tomorrow is pay day.


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