
Showing posts from May, 2017

Mother Russia....

Добрый вечер Dobriy vyecher Good evening I have so many viewers from Russia at the moment, I thought I'd say a big hello to you all... How are you all navigating here folks?  Do let me know. I see some served in from Yandex, some from pages on Reddit, however the vast majority of Russian based viewer stats are just direct references, so somewhere my pages are clearly syndicating... BTW, I'm pushing 11,000 viewers a month now folks!  Combined with passing the 1000 post mark this is a glorious place for me to be in! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!

RIP Roger Moore

Today has gone from bad to worse... Aside from the tragic attack in Manchester, for which I'm sure we all send out heart felt thoughts, I also want to send my little thoughts to the family of my favourite Bond.... Sir Roger Moore I think it perhaps fitting tribute that just this weekend we enjoyed his dashing portrayal of our favourite double 0 in "The Man with the Golden Gun".


Welcome to my 1000th post... I'd like to thank everyone who appears on these pages. You are one of nearing one thousand unique visitors each day to my various posts on this blog... Now, if only you all left a tip... Hmmm...

Football : Too Arrogant to use the Technology!

I enjoyed this from the BBC, however, I have to say Mr Nevin uses sage words almost throughout. Save for when he says "Too Arrogant to use the technology"... Quite who he is referring to is not clear, UEFA, FIFA, the FA?... Perhaps all of them, whomever it is (or was) we're yet to see this technology, until 2018's World Cup... Take a look yourself.

Development : The Cathedral & The Bazaar

Recently I had to explain to a none-developer how we had been working on a project, that is to say he and I.  I explained that our common boss worked very much in terms of the Cathedral, everything is big, grand, old, with set sources for supplies and almost dogmatic adherence to their ways of working.  Whilst he and I had been working, with extraordinary success, in a much more agile manner, in the manner of the Bazaar. Anyone could bring items to us, he could filter some queries, I could filter some others, between us we then worked in an Agile manner to achieve a result. I myself ran the development, and I pushed builds, lots of builds, releasing at least twice daily.  Any problem was picked up, worked on, solved and the next build had it, leaving a train of progressively better builds step by step, until we sit today with a fully functional system and we await input from multiple other sources. The main source for things we are awaiting is the Cathedral, we have ...

Story Time : "Younger Man" with Sleep Apnoea

Not dissimilar to the description J K Rowling gives to the character of Uncle Vernon in the Harry Potter series, I am a "Big Beefy Man" with "not much neck". As a result last year it became blindingly obvious that my waist was expanding, I also personally noticed a drop in my day-time alertness.  Initially I would like to point out that I have always been a night owl, and it was not uncommon for me to stay up late and get stuff done (especially programming things) and then sleep later. This fit well with my employment offering flexible start hours too, and so happily for very many years, I got slowly fatter and fatter, sitting down and eating too much, and I slept later and all was merry. Except, it wasn't... I suddenly noticed I had become extremely moody, irritable, bad tempered, my concentration was dropping and I found it nearly impossible to remember new things.  Initially I bit back my bad temper, and to compensate I started to use a series of physical not...

Development : Python, MySQL and Protocol Buffers Build

Today I've come to a totally virgin installation upon a server, this was for a work group I've got to head up whom are looking at pushing MySQL with Python.  And things initially went wrong... I stipulated they had to use Python3 and thought everything else would be fine for them to install with Pip3, so... sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install python3 sudo apt-get install python3-pip sudo apt-get install mysql-server Everything looked fine, their user could install packages through Pip3 and they had Flask and a few other things and were flying.  I used the mysql client on the command like to test I could add a few items and also ran... sudo mysql_secure_installation To do the basic hardening of the database, so everything was fine... Right?....RIGHT?!?! No, not exactly....  "I can't get mysql.connector" .... Came the cry. And they were right, it reported a myriad of build issues and could not install.  I took a look... NIGHTMARE! It appear...

Software Development : Get Constant in C++

What does " const " mean to you?  Does it just mean a value can not be changed?  If so, you may want to read on! Const is one of those things, which though not unique to C++ is given more meaning when you leverage C++ fully, const allows you to not only define a value as invariant, but also to instruct other programmers coming to your code how a value should be used, how when it is passed as a parameter it should be treated and ultimately how to protect data from needless alteration, de-synchronisation or simple corruption. Const is therefore your friend, and if you've come to C++ from C, Java, C#, Python or one of the other myriad of languages which don't treat const with as much relevance as C++ you may want to read more than I can say on the topic.  Bjarne Stroustrop (the inventor of C++) and other authors on the topic (notably Scott Meyers & Herb Sutter) explain in much more detail than I ever could, but for brevity here are two examples of const from my own c...

Software Engineering : My very bad way to set up makefiles

I may have wrote this post, but I'm just being lazy... Read on. I've made other Boost videos, and other codeblocks videos, and I've always assumed that the user at the other end was well aware of how to compile & build code. However, it seems there are lots of users whom are not aware of how you actual create a program from source code, at least not with C++. So I'm going to show you the absolutely most  wrong basic way of creating and using a makefile to perform a build... The first step of C++ program creation, is that trivial matter of creating the source code, easy right?... Yep, so lets skip that step, and go to when its once  and we want to pass the code through a compiler, the compiler turns the source not into a program, but into an intermediary format called an object file or object code. The compiler then leaves the process and another program takes over, this second program is known as the Linker, and it takes the object code and links it with all the sy...