
Showing posts from November, 2018

Sana-fracin-down-dirty GGRRRRRR

Smashed my phone whilst lifting the old dishwasher out... This house move just got a whole lot more expensive.

Budding Programmers.... Subscription to Learn

Harping back to my prior post about learning to program, when I spoke at my old Uni, I spoke to a lovely trio of ladies, whom wanted to be programmer/computer folks... And one thing struck me, was how narrow their knowledge was. When they asked me how I got into programming and I explained that when I learned to program in the 1990's there was no github, indeed there was no internet, you could not just go and download a program or join an open source project.  If you wanted tool, and had no BBS dial up to find someone with something like it, you wrote your own. I wrote code to record kills in games on the Atari ST, I wrote text editors for the ST and DOS (EGA graphics FTW), I write 2D painting programs for DOS.... I distinctly remember my college tutor seeing my using DOS interrupt 11 to control the mouse and his saying "you're the first person I've seen work that out"... I didn't work it out by trial and error though, I worked it out by reading, about the DOS...

Scary Big Brother Moment

I have just ordered a mail redirection, as part of our move to the new house... And at the end the Royal Mail ask you a series of security questions to "confirm" your identity.... OH MY GOD They are the most scary things to see, they were asking me questions about old addressed (totally unrelated to the addresses being redirected) they ask about current accounts opened sixteen years ago, they ask about my previous mortgages outstanding balance... Really scary things, and if you get the questions wrong they tell you, they know the answers. This is the most scary thing... I could sit with a credit card, paying a fee (I admit) and putting in the personal data of other people I know and I could learn new secret private information about them, okay they asked me three four different previous addresses... Only one applied to me... But, if you cross referenced this you could build a big picture about people... I'm honestly scared by something so mundane having access to so much ...

Can you Learn to be a Programmer...

I was asked this very interesting question this week... "Can you learn to be a programmer?"... Lets be clear, the question is can you be a programmer, not can you learn to program.  I believe anyone can learn to use a programming language, to drive their computer to perform a task for them, after all computers are tools and everyone can learn to use any tool. Be a person trying to write a batch script, create a spreadsheet to do their home accounts, throwing together some python to process a few text files or creating a whole compiled program of some kind, pretty much anyone can make themselves, with a book, a little internet searching and enough time, appear on that bell-curve of skill. Does this therefore make everyone a programmer?  I think it most certainly does not.  I can pick up a saw and a hammer, I have in my time knocked out some dovetail joints and repaired the odd chest of draws, does that make me a carpenter?.. NOPE... And likewise, if that self same carpente...

RIP : Stan Lee

Stan's done and gone... Sad...


God I love this film...

Server Crash... Bad Memory

I've spent about three hours checking and sorting out the machine which went down, and come-what may I found problem after problem, but not with any of the software.  If your software checks out then there's an obvious other place to look... Your hardware. My first step was to remove the drives, specifically my ZFS devices.  No difference, everything still broke. I then set about systematically removing one piece of hardware at a time, first my quad ethernet card, no difference, then I removed the added dual SATA card still broke... Finally, I removed all the memory and inserted just one stick... For the first time the firmware of the motherboard reported something had changed (at boot) it knew the memory has reduced from 8GB to 2GB.  But then the grub boot was really fast, it came up and into the system very quickly. Now, I had been getting MySQL Error 2013 for nearly ever query or SQL dump, with 2GB of RAM this didn't happen, sudo and all the programs now work again... ...

Server Crash... And Corrupt

Yeah, something very bad has happened with one of my boxes... It was not responsive over the network this morning, I thought little of it, power cycled it and came back to it this afternoon. Anyway, it was still not playing ball, I rolled the vmlinuz image back to 4.4 from 4.15 (the last unattended update I did last week) but everything.  I mean everything, every command, every program (except cat and ls) resulted in a "segmentation fault". Booting into recovery I got a little further, but the syslog looks very worrisome... And I could only see this image when I had hauled the machine back into the office and plugged a VGA cable into it, over the network and even over the serial TTY it just sat there spinning it's wheels. I would like some of the data back off this box, it contains the current (more recent) live image of my WOW server and it contains the old archived version of my Ark server. Other than that there is a ZFS area which I've dumped home photo's onto,...