
Showing posts from March, 2018

Pony Carriage Driving

With our thanks to DK Carriage Horses.... Success! Full Review:

C++ : Pass-By-Reference Or Die

Before today's Post, I'm on a mission folks, to get 1000 subs on YouTube.  If only 5% of viewers here subscribed we've have met this target in one month... I've just had group code review of one of my personal projects, and been rather surprised by the vitriol levelled at one of my practices.... Pass by Reference. The reviewer, one of a group of peers, has had major issues with the project (my personal) insistance on passing by reference wherever possible, in C++ this takes the form of an additional ampersand on parameter definitions; maybe this was the chaps problem, he has to type an ampersand? So his problem?  Well, without the actual code we'll simplify and use the Compiler Explorer (from and we'll take up their basic square function example, it starts up thus: Giving the assembler: On the right, and this chap had taken time to prepare a whole slide show of functions, usually simple, and present them at this code review, showing this kind of t...

More Power.... Cap'N

Yeah, I think my git server is chugging now... It only has 1GB of RAM and one core... And when doing a full new clone the "remote compressing" phase is taking well in excess of 14 minutes... Time to upgrade it me thinks. Penny for your thoughts?

Great Rack Mount Mistakes #6

A long time coming, here's another story from my days long past, this one takes me to my very first serious role in an IT department, I was however just the dogs body.  The company ran many old PC's (which I actually was around to see mostly be updated to nice Compaq Pentium III's) and they had a couple of high spec Silicon Graphics workstations in the design department. The main manufacturing control and purchasing system, as well as payroll and a bunch of other services ran on a dual 386 based mini computer, which had a custom cut of ScoUnix and a bunch of bespoke C programs comprising the actual system stack, this was accessed by a whole host or Gandalf multiplexers combining the serial connections down from a hundred or so Wyse brand terminals (I wish I'd have nabbed one of those before I left). Anyway, it was time for this back end stack to be updated, and so a pair of Compaq Proliant servers were brought in, these were dual Pentium III class with a dedicated stora...

Sex, Secret or God... Passwords

In the 1990's it was common to have to tell folks not to use "popular" password, like "sex", or "god", believe it or not even "password" and "secret".  Since then times have moved on, folks have become very adept at using other characters in their passwords... Unfortunately, this is (very seriously) what one of our IT bods here has just found on a machine: Props to the user for mixing in some numbers, a word and a symbol, however... We can all see the flaw in their storing the password. (Thanks to our IT Manager for letting me use his picture - it is a lovely left hand, I wonder if he does hand modelling?)

KitKat Still Broken....

No, I'm not talking about any build of Android, I mean the actual chocolate bar... Having my first one since June last year. ..  Still broken.