
Showing posts from July, 2017

C++ Multiboxing : World of Warcraft

I'm a huge fan of the early World of Warcraft games, I make no secret of this, and spent far far too long playing the game when it came out.  I enjoyed the game into Burning Crusade and enjoyed PVP during Wrath of the Litchking, but I think somewhere along the way there Blizzard lost their mind. And way back in 2010, on the then in vogue talk show " Shut Up We're Talking ", I predicted where I thought things would go, and that looks pretty much to be where the game has gone, it's been dumbed down, and the MMORPG inflation on damage and stats has become insipid throughout. As such, I crave a Vanilla experience, and wish Blizzard would allow the free usage of the Vanilla assets (mainly extracted client data) for all the server emulations out there - Nostalrius and Felmyst come to mind. Until that happens however, I'm stuck exploring the old game myself, alone... Yes, I still have the original client DVD's I purchased in my battlechest and armed with CMangos,...

Speak More Slowly Please

I'm English, this means I speak English, or at least a dialect of it... This mere fact has furnished me with the ability to communicate to a myriad of other people, of different nationalities and inclinations. However, it completely alienates me from the French. Well, a certain sub-set of French speakers, whom simply are rude... Now, I'm sorry, but these people exist, and good on them, they want to protect their beloved French language from the likes of me, coming along speaking it with a terrible rich British Midlands accent. I accept that. I'm not trying to compose poetry in French, I'm just trying to communicate with someone, so when I say: "parlez plus lentement sil vous plais, je ne pas parlez Francais bon" I think I'm asking them to speak more slowly please, as I don't speak French very well.  I don't expect them to stop the conversation completely, roll their eyes and then turn their back on me.  That's rude. And this wasn't an isola...

4000 Monthly Viewers

Back in May I came to these pages to thank my Russian viewers and I mentioned I had passed the 1000 viewers a month mark... Well, here we are on the first of July, with the numbers in for June... 4143 viewers.... What the? Where are all you guys coming from?  The google stats don't tell me :)