Jobs : Value My CV

I just ran across this site which takes your CV (probably data mining everything about me) and it extracts your education, your experience and your personal insight to generate a value for you. I've just put my CV through this, here's the Skill Cloud.... it's not exact, I know for a fact "Comics" is not on my CV anywhere, B2B software isn't either... BiLingual is a stretch as I speak poor GCSE school French... And a bit of English... But the value it's placed on my CV is interesting.... That is a lot more than I earn.... A LOT more... How valid their valuation is, what metrics or heuristics they apply isn't made clear, it might just be a simple look up and tick the box followed by summing a set of weighted values. But for my location this is not a realistic estimate, no-one would pay this for me here. Based out of London, New York or anywhere in California then maybe, but here in the middle of England. No way. But I take this that my current employe...